什麼是原靈? What is the Original Spirit?

一. 原靈是超我

I. The Original Spirit is the Supra-Self

一個是超我 — 也就是所謂的原靈;
一個是本我 — 也可以說就是現在的你;
一個是自我 — 也就是你這世當中,你所形成的性格。


Shi Zun Lao Da Ren said, “As a teacher, I will use three terms to make a distinction:
One is the supra-self — also known as the original spirit;
One is the ego — which can also be referred to as your present self;
One is the self — which is the character you have formed in this world.”

二. 原靈的分身

II. The incarnation of the Original Spirit


The ego and the self experience everything within their respective spaces in different environments. For example, in this lifetime, you may be a scientist, while another aspect of your Self may be illiterate. Alternatively, your present Self could be a practitioner, while another aspect of your Self leads a wayward life. Some may wonder: How can the same supra-self, the original spirit, have such diverse experiences and identities in the human world? One perspective is that you must experience various environments in the human world to learn their wisdom. As a scientist, you may invent various theories or tools for humanity’s convenience, contributing to the enhancement of your own wisdom. Meanwhile, as an illiterate person, although you may not know a single word, perhaps in your surroundings, there are many people who reject or look down upon you, or you may lead a difficult life. From such hardships, you learn how to cultivate yourself and effect change, rather than simply resigning yourself to fate. Different life experiences yield different gains. These feelings and gains are also connected to the Supra-Self, but your current Self is not yet complete. If your spiritual practice in this lifetime advances, perhaps in the next lifetime, your realm will be higher, your wisdom deeper, or your blessings greater. If you continue your practice, you may transcend this dimension in the human world and enter another realm of reality; similar to the thirty-three realms described in Buddhist scriptures, each heaven represents a different dimension, a different realm. Ultimately, the level of elevation of your spiritual body determines which dimension you will enter. Although this dimension of common people presents the most obstacles, in terms of spiritual practice, it is the best environment.


The original spirit is the Dharma body.




佛經云: 幾百億化生合為一個濕生,幾百億濕生是一個卵生,幾百億卵生是一個胎生,愈往上則合,越往下,散得越開。


Shi Mu Lao Da Ren said, “Certainly, it’s challenging to elucidate the complexities of life and spirit.

Using a hierarchical analogy, it’s akin to the Original Spirit embodying as the trunk of a tree, and evolving to the Self-Nature Dharma body as unity. Though each individual – you, I, and others – may differ, returning to the Original Spirit Dharma body resembles many branches converging into the trunk, all becoming one. However, individual spiritual levels vary, and the further one descends, the more scattered they become.

As the Buddhist scriptures state: “Hundreds of billions of aupapāduka form a saṃsvedaja; hundreds of billions of saṃsvedaja form an aṇḍaja; hundreds of billions of aṇḍaja form a jarāyu-ja. The higher one ascends, the more unity; the lower one descends, the more scattered.”

Regarding the branches: When you cultivate to restore the Original Spirit Dharma body, although it’s one entity, in practice, the Dharma body can manifest in various ways as needed. Just as flowers and fruits bloom upwards, resembling Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they manifest the Three Bodies (Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, and Dharmakaya) to save sentient beings according to need.

In this process, you can understand that from the tree root, another tree can extend. And from the flowers and fruits of the tree, the seeds within the fruit can also give rise to another tree. Life thus perpetuates in an endless cycle of regeneration.


IV. Everyone around you may be incarnations of the original spirit.


Shi Zun Lao Da Ren said: “Let me use a metaphor that everyone can understand:
Imagine a clothesline used for hanging clothes. On this line, there are many hangers or clips to hang clothes. This clothesline represents your Original Spirit, while these hangers or clips represent your incarnations, your different selves.

However, these hangers or clips are all attached to the same clothesline. Though they are individually independent, they are interconnected.
Sometimes you may find that you have a strong connection with someone you barely know, a feeling of instant rapport. Or perhaps with someone, or even a stranger passing by, whom you’ve never met, there’s a sense of familiarity. Conversely, you might encounter someone you don’t know at all, but instinctively feel a strong dislike towards them.

Do you ever wonder if they could be another version of yourself?

In fact, this possibility exists. Because in some aspects, you share similarities, while in others, there are significant differences. But these are just different facets of your ego, separated and independent at this moment.

Speaking from the perspective of dissociative identity disorder, to heal this condition, one must integrate rather than simply reject, deny, or fragment and isolate. Only by finding the most complete version of yourself can this illness be cured.

Similarly, among your many different selves and facets of the spirit, only by cultivating yourself to become more complete and enlightened can you restore your Original Self.”


V. After enlightenment, do you return to the Original Spirit?


Another question arises: If in this lifetime of cultivation, you have achieved enlightenment and attained Nirvana, and the Divine Mother grants you a title, such as a certain Bodhisattva or a certain Immortal, then what about my Original Spirit? Why, after achieving enlightenment, haven’t I returned to my original spirit?

Actually, from a human perspective:
Anything visible to humans has its hierarchy; similarly, in the spiritual world, there are also hierarchical differences. These hierarchies are not about separation or discrimination but rather the evolutionary levels of your spirit.

The more attachments you release, the brighter you become; the more impurities you purify, the more you elevate. Upon hearing this, you might wonder: When will I return to my most Original Spirit through cultivation?

In fact, life itself knows when it will end, and your spirit also knows when it’s most complete. 

As long as you achieve completeness and tranquility, your cycle of rebirth naturally ends.



日本大體交流研習會 p.563-600

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